Upravljanje laboratorijem

Upravljanje laboratorijem
Voditelj prof. dr. sc. Damir Sapunar
Kontakt: ds@mefst.hr
Šifra predmeta: OP1
Ukupno sati: 20 (12P+4S+4V)

Quality control
Good laboratory practice?
How safe is your data?
General safety
Chemical safety
Radiation safety

Nastavni materijali - poveznice:
Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty
Hrvatski zavod za toksikologiju
O otrovima
List of symbols, abbreviations, risk and safety phrases

At the Bench - a Laboratory Navigator
01_General Lab Organization and Procedures
02_Laboratory Setup and Equipment
03_Getting Started and Staying Organized
04_How to Set Up an Experiment
05_Laboratory Notebook
06_Presenting Yourself and Your Data
07_Making Reagents and Buffers
08_Storage and Disposal
09_Working without Contamination
10_Eukaryotic Cell Culture
12_DNA, RNA, and Protein

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