Mission statement

Department of Medical Humanities

Responsibility, honour and privilege of the Department of Medical Humanities lies in the transfer of new knowledge and the cultivation of attitudes and skills of students of health professions.
Discussions at this School, began several years ago with efforts of individuals trying to verticalise teaching of medical ethics through all six years of medical school.
Persistent promotion of new ideas and trends in modern medical education by Professor Matko Marušić, Dean of the School from 2008-2010, brought about the forming of a new Department, which was approved by the Faculty Council in early 2009.
Courses that existed even before the forming of the Department, i.e. Introduction to Medicine, History of Medicine, Ethics and Bioethics, Medical Sociology and Medical English, all came now under one roof, and were restructured in Medical Humanities courses 1-6. Although some themes dominate the topics of classes of each individual year, the  Department's goal was to intertwine them in such a way that all humanities courses feel like one reinforcment of the humane part of medicine.

More details of current's Deartments faculty can be found here.

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