Višnja Kokić Maleš

Ime i prezime: dr. sc. VIŠNJA KOKIĆ MALEŠ, dr. med.
Mentorica:  prof. dr. sc. DUŠANKA MARTINOVIĆ KALITERNA 
Datum obrane: 20. travnja 2018.
Kvalifikacijski znanstveni radovi za doktorsku disertaciju:

Kokic V, Martinovic Kaliterna D, Radic M, Tandara L, Perkovic D. Association between vitamin D, oestradiol and interferon-gamma in female patients with inactive systemic lupus erythematosus: A cross-sectional study, J Int Med Res. 2018;46(3):1162-71.
Kokić V, Martinović Kaliterna D, Radić M, Perković D, Cvek M, Čapkun V. Relationship between vitamin D, IFN-γ and E2 levels in systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus, 2016;25(3):282-8.
Uvod: SLE, kao i produkcija autoprotutijela, neosporno su povezani sa ženskim spolnim hormonima, osobito E2. Povoljan učinak vitamina D na tijek autoimunih bolesti potvrđen je kroz brojne studije, dok se utjecaj upalnih citokina, osobito interferona, još uvijek ispituje.
Cilj: Ispitati serumske razine 25-hidroksi vitamina D3, estradiola i interferona-gama kao i moguću povezanost navedenih parametara u SLE bolesnica generativne dobi s neaktivnim oblikom bolesti.
Metode: U studiju je uključeno 36 SLE bolesnica kao i 37 zdravih ispitanica. Serumske koncentracije 25-OH D3, E2 i IFN-γ određene su metodom radioimunotesta (engl. radiommunoassay, RIA) i enzimskog imunotesta (engl. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA).
Rezultati: Koncentracija 25-OH D3 bila je niža u SLE u odnosu na kontrolne ispitanice (p=0,001), dok je koncentracija E2 bila viša u SLE u usporedbi s kontrolnom grupom (p20 ng/ml, kao i u odnosu na kontrolne ispitanice (p=0,008). Koncentracija E2 bila je viša u svih SLE bolesnica uspoređujući s kontrolnom grupom, neovisno o vrijednostima vitamina D (p=0,009 i p=0,035). Na cijelom uzorku dokazana je pozitivna korelacija E2 i IFN-γ (p=0,027 i p<0,05).
Vitamin 25-OH D3 je pozitivno korelirao s dsDNA i Sm protutijelima, dok je E2 je pozitivno korelirao smo s dsDNA protutijelima.
Zaključak: Razine estradiola i IFN-γ povišene su u žena generativne dobi s neaktivnim oblikom SLE, dok su razine vitamina D snižene u istih u usporedbi s zdravim ispitanicama. – 42 – IFN-γ je viši pri nižim razinama vitamina D, što bi moglo upućivati na zaštitnu ulogu ovog vitamina u autoimunoj upali. Ovo istraživanje ističe važnost poznavanja vrijednosti i međusobnog odnosa vitamina D, E2 i IFN-γ u razumijevanju i praćenju SLE.
Ključne riječi: sistemski eritemski lupus, interferon-gamma, estradiol, vitamin D.
Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), along with autoantibody production, is undeniably associated with levels of female sex hormones, specifically E2. Beneficial effects of D vitamin on the course of autoimmune disorders have been confirmed through numerous studies, while the effect of inflammatory cytokines, especially IFN-γ, is still under study.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, oestradiol and interferon-gamma in female SLE patients of childbearing age with inactive disease, as well as their interconnection.
Methods: In total, 36 SLE and 37 control subjects were enrolled in the study. Serum concentrations of 25-OH D3, E2 and IFN-γ were measured by radioimmunoassay using a gamma-counter and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Results: The concentration of 25-OH D3 was lower in SLE patients compared to the control group (p=0.001), while E2 was higher (p 20 ng/ml and the control group (p=0.008). The concentration of E2 was greater in all SLE patients compared to the control group, independent of the vitamin D level (p=0.009 and p=0.035, respectively). We found a positive correlation between E2 and IFN-γ in SLE patients and the control group (p=0.027and p while E2 was positively correlated only with dsDNA antibodies.
Conclusions: Concentration of oestradiol and IFN-γ was elevated in SLE patients with inactive disease, while the concentration of vitamin D was decreased compared to healthy – 44 – subjects. IFN-γ was elevated with decreased levels of vitamin D, which may indicate protective role of vitamin D in autoimmune inflammation. This study promotes the significance of learning the interaction between vitamin D, E2 and IFN-γ in understanding and monitoring the SLE.
Key words: systemic lupus erythematosus, interferon-gamma, estradiol, vitamin D. Ispiši stranicu