Matea Dolić

Ime i prezime: dr. sc. MATEA DOLIĆ, mag. med. techn.
Komentori: izv. prof. dr. sc. ZENON POGORELIĆ i izv. prof. dr. sc. VESNA ANTIČEVIĆ
Datum obrane: 31. svibnja 2023.
Kvalifikacijski znanstveni radovi za doktorsku disertaciju:

Dolić M, Antičević V, Dolić K, Pogorelić Z. Questionnaire for Assessing Social Contacts of Nurses Who Worked with Coronavirus Patients during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare (Basel). 2021;9(8):930.
doi: 10.3390/healthcare9080930.
Dolić M, Antičević V, Dolić K, Pogorelić Z. Difference in Pandemic-Related Experiences and Factors Associated with Sickness Absence among Nurses Working in COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Departments. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(3):1093.
doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031093.
Dolić M, Antičević V, Dolić K, Pogorelić Z. The Impact of Sociodemographic Characteristics on Coping Strategies Used by Nurses Working at COVID and Non-COVID Hospital Departments during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study. Healthcare (Basel). 2022;10(6):1144.
doi: 10.3390/healthcare10061144.
Cilj: Utvrditi prediktore korištenja bolovanja medicinskih sestara; ispitati razlike između medicinskih sestara koje su radile s bolesnicima oboljelima od COVID-19 bolesti (CoV) i onih koje nisu radile s COVID-19 pozitivnim bolesnicima (nonCoV) u razinama simptoma posttraumatskog stresnog sindroma (PTSP), osobinama ličnosti, strategijama suočavanja i doživljenim profesionalnim stresorima te usporediti strategije suočavanja s obzirom na njihove sociodemografske karakteristike.
Metode: Glavno istraživanje provedeno je među 1305 medicinskih sestara zaposlenih u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Split. Poveznica za online istraživanje poslana je putem njihove službene poslovne elektroničke pošte. U radovima su korišteni validirani i pouzdani upitnici te su korišteni relevantni statistički alati za analizu prikupljenih podataka.
Rezultati: Kod CoV sestara starija dob i život u bračnoj zajednici povezani su s višim razinama suočavanja usmjerenim na problem (p = 0,010). Magistre su značajno manje koristile suočavanje usmjereno na probleme i emocije (p < 0,001). NonCoV sestre manje su rabile emocionalno suočavanje među medicinskim sestrama s magisterijem. Izbjegavanje su više koristile udane (p < 0,001) sestre i one bez djece (p < 0,001) te također sestre s diplomom prvostupnika (p < 0,001).
Zaključak: Ako su CoV sestre preferirale pristup usmjeren na probleme u suočavanju sa stresom, bile otvorenije životnim iskustvima i manje osjetljive na kritiku i organizacijske probleme na radnom mjestu te su imale manje straha od infekcije, mogućnost korištenja bolovanja bila je manje vjerojatna. S druge strane, ako su non-CoV sestre imale niži rezultat na neuroticizmu, iskusile manju stigmatizaciju tijekom pandemije, prakticirale manje socijalnog distanciranja od najbližih, imale manji strah od zaraze SARS-CoV-2 i prijavile manje organizacijskih problema imale su manju vjerojatnost korištenja bolovanja. Nadalje, rezultati provedenog istraživanja pokazali su da sociodemografski čimbenici poput radnog iskustva, dobi, stupnja obrazovanja i bračnog statusa utječu na odabir strategija suočavanja tijekom zdravstvene krize. Medicinske sestre koje rade na CoV odjelima biraju i aktivno suočavanje i suočavanje usmjereno na emocije, dok one koje rade na odjelima izvan CoV-a preferiraju strategije usmjerene na problem.
Ključne riječi: medicinske sestre, COVID-19, strategije suočavanja, PTSP, osobine ličnosti, bolovanje, mentalno zdravlje, pandemija
“Mental health of nurses during the coronavirus pandemic in Croatia"
AIM: To determine the predictors of nurses sick leave utilization; to examine the differences between nurses who worked with patients with COVID-19 disease (CoV) and those who did not work with COVID-19 positive patients (nonCoV) in levels of post- traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) symptoms, personality traits, coping strategies and experienced professional stressors and compare coping strategies with regard to their sociodemographic characteristics.
Methods: The main research was conducted among 1,305 nurses employed at the University hospital Split, Croatia. The online survey link was sent via their official business email. Validated and reliable questionnaires were used in the papers, and relevant statistical tools were used to analyze the collected data.
Results: In CoV nurses, older age and married life were associated with higher levels of problem-focused coping (p = 0.010). Master’s students used problem and emotion- focused coping significantly less (p <0.001). NonCoV nurses with a master’s degree had lower use of emotional coping. Avoidance was used more by married (p < 0.001) sisters and those without children (p < 0.001) and also by sisters with a bachelor’s degree (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: If CoV nurses preferred a problem-oriented approach to coping with stress, were more open to life experiences and less sensitive to criticism and organizational problems in the workplace, and had less fear of infection, the possibility of using sick leave was less likely. On the other hand, if nonCoV nurses had lower neuroticism score, experienced less stigmatization during the pandemic, practised less social distancing from those closest to them, had less fear of contracting SARS-CoV-2 and reported fewer organizational problems, they were less likely to use sick leave. Furthermore, the results of the conducted research showed that sociodemographic factors such as work experience, age, level of education and marital status influence the choice of coping strategies during a health crisis. Nurses working in CoV departments choose both active, emotion-oriented coping and coping, while those working in non-CoV wards prefer problem-centered strategies.
Keywords: nurses, COVID-19, coping strategies, PTSD, personality traits, sick leave, mental health, pandemic Ispiši stranicu